Another update

I’m definitely in a coding mood. I just uploaded another change. I’ve added a Quadratum Nauticum to the Astrolabe Generator “mater-only” option:

Astrolabe Generator Updates

Made some more changes. I added options to print 1 and 2 degree intervals for the almucantars. Also, there is now an option to print just the Mater or just the Plate (useful in creating astrolabes in other materials than paper).

Astrolabe Generator 2.0 Released

I’ve been busy. The final polish was put on version 2.0 of the Astrolabe Generator today. It is up and running (see link to the left). I increased the size of the application screen, re-sized the thumbnails and  rearranged the controls a bit. The thumbnails now update to display the current selected options. I redesigned […]

Drafting the Astrolabe: 3. The Protractor

After Stoeffler This does seem a bit extreme, but the purpose of this project is to see what can be done with just a straightedge and compass. Building my own protractor serves two purposes. One: It proves to me that an accurate tool can be made this way. Two: It gives me a chance to […]

Drafting the Astrolabe: 1. Planning the Project

The first step has to be making myself a protractor. I was going to create one as a proof of concept then switch to a commercial model, but I have changed my mind. If I can make a reasonably accurate tool, I can laminate it and use it; getting rid of the need to ‘cheat’. […]

Drafting the Astrolabe: Defining the project

Allowed tools: Straight-edge: NOT a ruler, I need to find a nice (straight!) length of hardwood with no markings. I may cheat and use a steel yardstick. Compass: I have a nice Staedtler compass, but it will not be big enough for some of the arcs required. I may add a beam compass or experiment […]

This Year’s Project

During my vacation, I spent a few hours one afternoon with a straight-edge, a compass, and my copy of Stoeffler’s Elucidatio – The Construction and Use of the Astrolabe. I was able to draw out a basic climate plate very easily; in fact I was surprised at how straight-forward it was. I am inspired to […]

Constructing an Astrolabe

I have put up a draft of a set of instructions for building an astrolabe using the output of the Astrolabe generator. It still needs links, polish and pictures. I will link to it when I’m done Update: It is done except for the photos. I’ll add them when I get a chance. Link is […]

And so it begins…

My obsession with the astrolabe has gone on now for over 4 years. The number of projects is proliferating and I think it is time to make a place for them on the web. Over the next few months, as the mood takes me I will be modifying the handout for my astrolabe class into […]